
it was the 2nd day at Redang [:
we got up at like 645 am; although we had only like, 4 hours of sleep

so-and-so : "wah why wake up so early?"
me : "to watch sunrise and take photos lah!"
so-and-so : "so nice meh?"
me : ......

anyway, my coughs* "quiksilver" pants cost only rm20!
anonymous : so cheap!
me : yah yah.
anonymous : where did you buy? surf, dive, and swim?
me : er.. no.
anonymous : but i thought that's your fav shop?
me : err.. ya.
anonymous : then?!
me : batu feringghi night market. ahaks! :D
anonymous : *faints*
okay okay.
here are decent photos [:

hahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahhaaahaha *breathes*
*breathes* hahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhaahahhahaaahhaa!!!!!!!!
i'm changing my blog layout soon.
this one is pissing me off ]:
this one is pissing me off ]:
JEN : ya!! not like penang's sea water. so .. milo and teh ais-ish lol
KAHPENG : aunty -.-
JOOSING : hehe u have to go! it's funnn really! [:
MATTLEON87 : can only qualify as a wannabe. *sobs. where are u now?
CHEEHSIEN : bkt u ah. i will BKT you!!!! haha don't listen to LOK!
KUE : hey!! aiyo. let me know next time okay?! I'll be like sooo glad to meet up with you! anyway i've linked you up [:
DANIELCTW : eh suddenly so sweet? hehe
CYNTHIA : eee. you should see MY writing lol! anyway, more photos of redang to come! just check back~
SYMEON : im more blur than you okay. I have like over 600 photos of redang here with me. i don't even know which to upload lol!!!
GWEN : hehe yay more pics now :) hugs* how are you?! huh? you mean you can't sign into myspace?!?!? that's just nasty ]: did your boyfriend fix the cabinet? hehe
SENGKIAT : hi sengkiat!!! i clicked on your link, but error ]:
LOK : *kicks u* shhh!! LOL woi!! hahaha apa ni. first tekken now my boobies? ahhahaa.
ANNA : huh?! i thought u're in KL :(
SHAZ : come for holiday! COME PENANG!!!!
KYLIEMC : hehe your nick was minny too? [: mine in highschool was longbeans hahaha. redang is fun! you should visit, then bring me along hehe
JOOTATT : where are u now? [: yay thanks!
PAPAJONEH : ahhahaha!! your son pandai also ho? block your eyes LOL
YINGJIE : it is cool! i miss it. like tons!
SMASHPOP : they did? no ah, how to move the whole more more tea building? lol.. i dont know lor :P
DRA : hehe no problem! thanks for coming by my place too. and good luck for your tests! u'll nail them! don't worry
THUMBELINA : wanna go again? invite me!!! haha
MELLY : me too! so long didnt mamak! where did you go huh?! i miss you so~ it's seems like forever since u've been gone (aiks. linkinpark pula) [:
ALYSHA : u're the pretty one - not me!! i'm linking you too! yay! hugs*
A bigger fry? LOL~
Not sure about that.
Look at your tagboard replies! Gosh!
And err, snorkeling is fun. lol~
omg. very very nice beach pictures! love the sunset! :)
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