It's not even December, so who's being Santa?
It's not even Chinese New Year, so who's being 'Choi San Ye'?
It's not even P.Diddy, so who's giving out Bling-Blings?

Malaysians out there, let's roll out the red carpet for!
They're putting the BLING into BLoggING
is bringing online advertising and online money making unto another level!
I'm very excited about this, and you should be too!

I'm sure everytime you come by my page or the pages of other bloggers, you stumble upon ads that are powered by advertlets. you see them on sidebars, or before every new post and probably as a banner on someone's page.
See how happy he is?
You can actually earn cash while you're doing something that you like - BLOGGING; may it be rants about your new eyeliner that breaks every time you sharpen it, or may it be just photographs that you took during your day out with your friends!
You get to earn "ka-chings" while you blog! $$$$$$. No 4D numbers needed. Being a person who would grasp and get hold of every AMAZING opportunity that comes along, I would certainly want to benefit myself and the advertisers [: Advertisers on the other hand, has the opportunity to get their message through to those who surf the web.
PLUS, I get access to free website tools which can help make my blog more glamorous and less newbie-like. Don't worry, ADVERTLETS ads DOES NOT slow your page down by any means compared to the other ads I've seen on random webpages.
SAYA BOLEH!!!!!!!!!!!
KAMU PUN BOLEH!!!!!!!!!!
(you can earn bucks too!)
how? sign up!
You can actually earn cash while you're doing something that you like - BLOGGING; may it be rants about your new eyeliner that breaks every time you sharpen it, or may it be just photographs that you took during your day out with your friends!
You get to earn "ka-chings" while you blog! $$$$$$. No 4D numbers needed. Being a person who would grasp and get hold of every AMAZING opportunity that comes along, I would certainly want to benefit myself and the advertisers [: Advertisers on the other hand, has the opportunity to get their message through to those who surf the web.
PLUS, I get access to free website tools which can help make my blog more glamorous and less newbie-like. Don't worry, ADVERTLETS ads DOES NOT slow your page down by any means compared to the other ads I've seen on random webpages.
SAYA BOLEH!!!!!!!!!!!
KAMU PUN BOLEH!!!!!!!!!!
(you can earn bucks too!)
how? sign up!
AND LOOK AT THAT! you get to understand your visitors by the polls that are created and brought up by your fellow advertisers! Wouldn't that be awesome? You get to find out if your readers are old or young; male or female and lots more.

Another reason that I choose ADVERTLETS is that,
you get to actually correspond with the developers of ADVERTLETS.
Josh Lim & Associates.
they're friendly, generous, supportive and attentive. If you have any problems, they will correspond to you. They're also very knowledgeable about web designing, digital marketing and html contents or anything that is similar to it; so you can DEFINATELY put your trust in them.
I don't know about you, but MY ADVISE, choose ADVERTLETS.
It's a breakthrough of online advertising and online money making that does nobody harm, but brings everybody the benefits.
Why would you give up such a good opportunity when ADVERTLETS can make you smile and earn some blings!?
so what are you waiting for?!
sign up now, place the codes in your blog,
participate in the RM15k giveaway contest [due date 31st MAY 2007],
and start making some REAAAAL cash.
yup, that's what i'm talkin about, baby!
GO GO GO !!!

Another reason that I choose ADVERTLETS is that,
you get to actually correspond with the developers of ADVERTLETS.
Josh Lim & Associates.
they're friendly, generous, supportive and attentive. If you have any problems, they will correspond to you. They're also very knowledgeable about web designing, digital marketing and html contents or anything that is similar to it; so you can DEFINATELY put your trust in them.
I don't know about you, but MY ADVISE, choose ADVERTLETS.
It's a breakthrough of online advertising and online money making that does nobody harm, but brings everybody the benefits.
Why would you give up such a good opportunity when ADVERTLETS can make you smile and earn some blings!?
so what are you waiting for?!
sign up now, place the codes in your blog,
participate in the RM15k giveaway contest [due date 31st MAY 2007],
and start making some REAAAAL cash.
yup, that's what i'm talkin about, baby!
GO GO GO !!!
he is my competitor leh..
but i still close with him...
minny.. try to change all ur advertlets link to affiates link. so josh will know how many ppl referred by u :)
funny lar u.. i should get started too... :P
woohoo, minny did it too lolz
wow wow~! minny also advertlets-er
oh i dint know advertlets.. is like a msian stuff...
great will hope to join it one day..
hey minny.. i've linked ur blog... remember to link me back k thanks.
eee. but i'm not paid. *CRIES*
I x get paid after I posted my review.. After quite a few days only dapat de RM50 derrr...
hehe..minny..i did tht review too..they email u after their approval..remember 2 check ur email ;)
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