okay. on Wednesday Charmaine and me went to Queensbay.
we both need to escape from our everyday routine
[sleep, eat, msn, watch astro, get bored, warm the seats] lol.
we both need to escape from our everyday routine
[sleep, eat, msn, watch astro, get bored, warm the seats] lol.
anyway, i'm really so glad that she brought me out.
i wasn't in good terms;
i basically felt hopeless.
i wasn't in good terms;
i basically felt hopeless.
but a day of siao-ness and laughter lifted up my spirit.
thanks to Charmaine [:
she's amazing i tell you.
thanks to Charmaine [:
she's amazing i tell you.

don't say i've never warned you.
ahha i'm vain :P
look at my eyebags;
2 hours sleep for 5 days and you'll look like me.

charmaine just look oh-so-sweet here.
had brunch at kenny rogers.
blehhh; the mashed potato tasted like milk powder.
the rice is so darn salty.
the only thing nice and edible is the muffin [:

and so,
we watched Sunshine.
pretty much reminded me of Armageddon.
Charmaine and me laughed when people die.
we laughed even though it's not even funny
that's just so wrong isn't it?
toilet picture.
not much pictures taken;
i hate my pocket camera.
it's too sensitive; pics only look nice with flash.
want a new one. ]:
not much pictures taken;
i hate my pocket camera.
it's too sensitive; pics only look nice with flash.
want a new one. ]:

extra cheese.
stuffed crust.
we got another pizza for free [:
because the chef made a wrong one.
thanks Charmaine ♥
i could never ask
for a better and more encouraging friend than you.
i could never ask
for a better and more encouraging friend than you.
every time my heart beats;
i think of him.
God, please give me back my miracle.
i think of him.
God, please give me back my miracle.
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