but AGAIN streamyx went crappy.

anyway, first off, I wanna congratulate Anna;
for being the very first official "Hottest Female Blogger"!
yay girl! you deserve it.
Pretty, sweet and a food craver, you should definately read her blog.
she's a darling. ♥

as for me,
I got into top3, and i really wanna thank everyone who supported me.
Cedric, for hosting this whole contest [:
friends, who voted for me.
and the judges, who judged according to their speculations!
and sponsors for their awards!
And also I want to congratulate all the other 17 bloggers who were featured as well!
You guys are hotttttt; in and out! [:
my so-called-speech :
Wahrao, i didn't really expect to be in the top3. Moreover, to even have a chance in this whole Hottest Female Blogger Award thingy. But I'm really glad I did, I made a bunch of amazing friends through this.
Anywayyyyy I got awarded! so, yippiiie.
A ticket to the premier of "Pirates Of The Carribean 3" (I get to watch Johnny Depp in action before you do! HAH! *laughs loudly then sings 'rum rum rum your boat'*) sponsored by Nuffnang.
A box of healthy drink (time to get healthy~) sponsored by Miss Samantha
A banner exclusively made by Nixx (i need one!! especially by a talented designer)
Movies with Cedric!! (bwahhaha. oh how fun! he's so gonna be picked on!)
i kampai-ed on saturday night.
it was a rather rainy night; listened to some jazz (surprised?)
and was online chatting to some people.
and web-caming [:
(1st May) with my family.
which means, I will be away for 3 days. which means, I will not be able to update. which means, I will be taking heaps of photos along the way. which means, I will miss all of you. which means, you will miss me too, right? which means, i wouldn't be able to "kacau" you guys on your tagboards. which means, Cedric's Virtual Mamak Corner will be missing Minny. which means, you won't see me on Msn. which means, we won't be able to chat. which means, we have to exchange numbers if you want to [: which means, ..bleh; you get the drill!

Leaving to Kuantan tomorrow, first thing in the morning. [: i'll be driving too; at 160km/h again. ehehehe. oh well. i'm a Malaysian driver; what do you expect?! after Kuantan, it'll be Kuala Lumpur. whoa, it's been so long since I last been there. Then off to Genting Highlands (probably)
get ready for MINNYYYYY.
excited i am.
very, very excited!
wow..minny go travel liao..
why didn't ask me go leh... hehe...
next time go penang find u limteh lorr. :P
If you go earlier, sure can meet me :P, have fun meeting up with christina there =P Oh ya..dun forget the pics
Thanks a lot Minny~! *hugs*
Happy Holidays to u & family~!
JIMMYCHIN : yah! i'm going edi.. yay ehehehe. you owe me teassss!
DANIEL : oh well ]: sobs. of course i'll snap pics! lots of pics! with christina too hehe
ANNA : not a problem hottaaay. you have a wonderful holiday too. *hugs*!
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