here's an UPDATE on my weekend.
and replies to my tagboard [:
thank u all for always tagging <3
to SLUGS - hahaha u should know now that I'm related to I Min. therefore, u should come here more often :D
to EMOSHERN, AARON - helloooo emo. u should update more about ur langkawi trip! i love those photos [: ahhh AARON! i hope i dont get THAT bored anymore lmao. sooo when are u going to GP again?
to TOMMY the BABOON - someone owes me a LV bag [: BOONIE!!!
to JACOB - did u get any jobs yet? I hope u did la! Cuz I changed job 3 times, and u still havent started any. LOL
to NICOLE and JEN - hahahaha. I need more shirts ]: have u shopped for CNY?
to LAWRENCE - BEAR IS MINE!!!! thanks for adding in friendster! yay.
to GWEN - Girl! i missed you! haha thanksssss. u should get more pics of yourself [: i wanna seeee. i might visit china someday u know!
to GLACIUS and YVONNE - glacius, i almost died when i was told I'm a GODMA and you're a GODPA to Jasmine's "son". ahahahaha. anyway, thanks so much for takin care of her. YVONNE, I MISS YA!!! ]:
Watched Death Note 2! I love the show, but I seriously enjoy the first chapter more. Anyways, Ryuzaki is sooo darn cute. Too bad all of them died. I was happy though when Kira died. bwahahhahaa. How I wish I have that deathnote notebook, write his/her last name and "whoalah" that person will die of a heart attack :D

Evelyn and Elaine came for a mini sleepover! yayyy :D It was fun. That's my sister's butt by the way. lol

And I work 8 hours per day, sometimes 5 days and sometimes 6 days a week. I like it there. But, I have to get an injection before I start working.
Evelyn and me around Gurney walk. I have horrible eyebags. so I had to censor it. hahaha.
we love miniskirts! (minny - ya, right.) I'm WAYYYY better than Angelina Jolie. oh yeah! lmao.

Anyway, that's her new dog. JJ! and I'm his GODMOM. Glacius = Godpa. LOL.
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