currently working.
i dont even know what are my workin hours.
currently workin everyday from 12 - 6pm.
i dont even know how much I'm paid.
restaurant havent started its operation.
so BASICALLY, we just go there,
do nothing, chat, wipe some tables and go crazy :D
it'll start on monday and we're all forced to learn a dance, because we're asked to dance on its opening ceremony. OMG.
LOL. but i'm enjoyin my new job!
we get freeeeeee food.
and freeeeeeeeeeeee beer. [:
yups yups.
music is always blasting.
but there's a room for non-smokers, only jazz music and wi-fi surrounded. nice eh?
I got a job at yamaha/praise music.
But I dont think I'll be working there.
I have another job interview tomorrow at 630.
At the mall.

she is missing him.
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