Through the years, I've made new friends, and I've lost some old friends.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Through the years, I've made new friends, and I've lost some old friends.
to GLACIUS : hahahah ya!! JJ is so small but sooooo cute!! eh, *JJ dont perasan k. I'm talking about a dog here. I'm glad to be its godma! but enough about dogssss. LET'S TALK ABOUT KOI. food for brain remember? lmao. my tagboard is becoming a chatroom d. lol. sorry bout just now on msn, I was on the phone.
to AARON : when will you be free?? exams are SOOO yesterday for me. lalala [:
to LICIA : eh!!! HEROES! that show damn nice k! I wanna watch it on astro, but i dont know which channel, and what time lol. heyyyy why is your blog locked? NOT FAIR ]: and oh, i didnt get injected~ I'm not gonna work there. I HATE needles. period.
to JJ : lol! even dogs have your name [: i'm gonna go "rape" your Queensbay soon. bwahahahhaa.
to JACOB : i don't feel like working anymore. i wanna go singapore!!! I rejected that Nandos job u know..
to YVONNE : small world we live in!! hehehe. glacius super bising la lmao. so hyper. we must hang out someday kk?
to ERLYNDA : i'm gonna be famous in autocity :D hahahahhaa.
My day was alright. I found 4 more jobs which wanted to hire me. After discussing with my parents and all that, I've agreed to work with my dad [: I get paid daily. But I know, this job is gonna be soooo boring although it's easier.
Anyway, I feel kinda crappy for no apparent reason after dinner time. I start to get emo. I almost cried talking to Louis; he was having a hard day as well. I didn't really talk much on MSN, didn't feel like it. But thank goodness people like Glacius came around and talked about sex in the animal world. lmao that made me laugh a little. And Terrence kinda cheered me up without knowing he did so by telling me his stories, by showing me funny pics and by talkin on the phone with me. Besides, Tommy the BABOON was there to make me laugh a little.

last night was funnn :D Thanks, Tommy.
Monday, January 29, 2007
update & tag replies [:

here's an UPDATE on my weekend.
and replies to my tagboard [:
thank u all for always tagging <3
to SLUGS - hahaha u should know now that I'm related to I Min. therefore, u should come here more often :D
to EMOSHERN, AARON - helloooo emo. u should update more about ur langkawi trip! i love those photos [: ahhh AARON! i hope i dont get THAT bored anymore lmao. sooo when are u going to GP again?
to TOMMY the BABOON - someone owes me a LV bag [: BOONIE!!!
to JACOB - did u get any jobs yet? I hope u did la! Cuz I changed job 3 times, and u still havent started any. LOL
to NICOLE and JEN - hahahaha. I need more shirts ]: have u shopped for CNY?
to LAWRENCE - BEAR IS MINE!!!! thanks for adding in friendster! yay.
to GWEN - Girl! i missed you! haha thanksssss. u should get more pics of yourself [: i wanna seeee. i might visit china someday u know!
to GLACIUS and YVONNE - glacius, i almost died when i was told I'm a GODMA and you're a GODPA to Jasmine's "son". ahahahaha. anyway, thanks so much for takin care of her. YVONNE, I MISS YA!!! ]:
Watched Death Note 2! I love the show, but I seriously enjoy the first chapter more. Anyways, Ryuzaki is sooo darn cute. Too bad all of them died. I was happy though when Kira died. bwahahhahaa. How I wish I have that deathnote notebook, write his/her last name and "whoalah" that person will die of a heart attack :D

Evelyn and Elaine came for a mini sleepover! yayyy :D It was fun. That's my sister's butt by the way. lol

And I work 8 hours per day, sometimes 5 days and sometimes 6 days a week. I like it there. But, I have to get an injection before I start working.
Evelyn and me around Gurney walk. I have horrible eyebags. so I had to censor it. hahaha.
we love miniskirts! (minny - ya, right.) I'm WAYYYY better than Angelina Jolie. oh yeah! lmao.

Anyway, that's her new dog. JJ! and I'm his GODMOM. Glacius = Godpa. LOL.