June 20th
I'm gonna miss all of my high school friends;
especially those close ones.
all leaving after today to Universities and colleges ]:
"As long as we live, time passes by.
and we won't get it back when we die."
Time to grow up now.

I'm gonna miss all of my high school friends;
especially those close ones.
all leaving after today to Universities and colleges ]:
"As long as we live, time passes by.
and we won't get it back when we die."
Time to grow up now.

took some photos while i was out in my garden

"Remain in Me and I will in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself;
it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in Me.
I am the Vine. you are the branches. If a man remains in Me
and I in Him, he will bear much fruit.
for apart from Me, you can do nothing."
[John 15:4-5]
DURIAN season is so over and i'm sooo thrilled
all hail rambutans!
meet my godbrother -
marx; if u're readin this,
i miss you! it's been so long since we met yah?
aww can friends be anymore sweeter?!
marx; if u're readin this,
i miss you! it's been so long since we met yah?
aww can friends be anymore sweeter?!