so I registered!
but still have so many things to do;
need to find so many lecturers and complete the form and stuffs like that
my legs almost brokeeee for goodness sake
but still have so many things to do;
need to find so many lecturers and complete the form and stuffs like that
my legs almost brokeeee for goodness sake

matrix/student card
took the picture on the spot during registration

my room.
common bath and toilet.
my roommate's from ipoh
she's really, really nice (:

thank goodness there's a mirror

super hot ok

it only closes it i lock it. -.-

my new bedsheets :)

had a briefing session with the professor this morning

a few of my coursemates
i look yuck again -.-
i look yuck again -.-
Hey, don't worry..
at least QBM is quite near to USM..=D
hehe, all the best to you ya!
hey so you're moving to USM hostel now! When free i go visit you ok? My gf's also from USM and she lives very near USM only, hehehe.
yea yea QBM..can go MNG more often!
When you see your room, think MNG, when you try to close your cupboard, think MNG, when you try to flush your toilet, think MNG, when you look at your poor student card, think cheap movies!
hey hey near QBM wat.... finally i know where all this places... kakaka
wah rao.. the room.. speechless.. i like ur bedsheet.. so nice can?!
ahha the room... very sad looking... but with ur polka dots bed sheet, it makes ur room more lively!! haha
Be happy your room is IN the uni! Other sad ones are forced to live at the RST buildings across the road and up the hill....!
Well, enjoy yourself though...Have fun! =)
Hmm... feel uncomfortable to the new enviroment? (or yuck place?) Take some time to seacrh arround, sure got more nice places or rooms.
Have a nice day :D
heya.. congradz to starting ur uni life!! lol.. but the room really look abit pathetic.. lol.. but hey.. as long as no insects flying here and there, and no bed bugs, count urself lucky! =)
erk...ur card pic...ulook ganas...
like wana kill ppl liddat...eheh
cooliez... ur in USM... wat course u taking ooo.. have fun during yer uni life... ;)
Huhu.. nice room u have there... can do party ya...
the hostel is sad man!!! Sheesh. =.=
minny, least it's better than NS...haha..
My fren is studying in USM too..taking music course..erm..should be in the first sem of second year...if u join CF, u'll know her guaa..hehe
=) take care ya..GOD bless u..min min
minny, u need to repaint everything liao...
u laughed at the part
" my roommate is from ipoh
she is really really nice"
instead of having her pic, u posted ur " a little vanity wont hurt" ...
-vanity queen will always be vanity queen :P-
Only once in your life time, Enjoy your uni life!
u r rock la~
yes... enjoy yr uni life dear!
eh... i heard usm hostel is very haunted... :P
Hey, wishing you all the best k... hahaha Like mushy says.. near QBM :P:P:P
Happy USM !!
pity la...i heard my sis said aman damai is the worst hostel leh...
whoaa... u look so fierce for what?!
eh.. me stay very near u nia. we go supper soon k. lol.
eh your hostel haunted ah? LOL!
*run and hide*
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