*most of the pictures were taken by CheeHsien,
so, thank youuuu! [:*
so, thank youuuu! [:*
(July 7th 2007)
wah so many sevens..
went out with Benjipapa, Cedric, Chee Hsien, ChefKhuen.
Al, Dexter, Emily, PC joined later.
and a few more people did..
first stop was Queensbay.
had a hard time finding for a place to park cuz of the SureHeboh carnival outside.
ended up going in several big rounds around that area.

met infront of coffeebean the one next to MNG
(yep yep - MNGlicious = minny chan!)
our bored look as we were deciding where to head to.
eh, these two pictures can combine become one :P
Kenny Rogers for lunch.
then off to Q at Gurney for Pool session!
sial betul okay, no parking again.
I had to beg the security guard to let me wait at the carpark entrance
how could they resist Minny's puppydog face :D
we totally camwhored!
we were sooooo noisy
laughing all the way and everything!
(yep yep - MNGlicious = minny chan!)
our bored look as we were deciding where to head to.
eh, these two pictures can combine become one :P
Kenny Rogers for lunch.
then off to Q at Gurney for Pool session!
sial betul okay, no parking again.
I had to beg the security guard to let me wait at the carpark entrance
how could they resist Minny's puppydog face :D
we totally camwhored!
we were sooooo noisy
laughing all the way and everything!

PC's food!
oh my, they did something horrible with it too,
picked Daniel (yeah daniel from KL) up from Stallions
then off to EGATE!
5 cars.
don't we look cute?
envy you guys ler. get to hang out together and hv so much fun.. :)
so minny is a pool shark, eh? i got a table at my house. if you wanna come try it out ;)
minny, how come so many gathering one....
my lips go round like that.. i lick your lollipop...
too bad that day i cannot go..>"< macam sangat seronok! =D ehh, i didn't take any photo with mami b4...! I dun care, next time must take 1 with me..XD
5 cars again... yam kung
i always kena emphasized 5 cars
woi! wa bo ahems with cedric wokay!
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