since i dont know how many weeks ago, i joined an online community (:
more to a lovely and close knitted online family called PENANGPENANG SHOUTOUT
just scroll down it's on your right hand side on my "lai lau juak" section!
Made so many new and amazing friends through this;
Al, Adelene, Angeline, Benjipapa, CheeHsien, Cedric,
Elise, Lasker, PC.. etc etc still so many! you come shoutout, come see by yourself ok?

Lasker and Elise
for being the brains behind shoutout
and for being so helpful in so many ways!
I have a huge confession to make..
I've hit 1000 shouts last month
and now I'M REACHIN THE 5000th shout by 12 midnight!
weeeee :D
told you i'm addicted.
more to a lovely and close knitted online family called PENANGPENANG SHOUTOUT
just scroll down it's on your right hand side on my "lai lau juak" section!
Made so many new and amazing friends through this;
Al, Adelene, Angeline, Benjipapa, CheeHsien, Cedric,
Elise, Lasker, PC.. etc etc still so many! you come shoutout, come see by yourself ok?
Lasker and Elise
for being the brains behind shoutout
and for being so helpful in so many ways!
I have a huge confession to make..
I've hit 1000 shouts last month
and now I'M REACHIN THE 5000th shout by 12 midnight!
weeeee :D
told you i'm addicted.

as addictive as drugs
in a good way that is [:
but before me, 3 person grabbed a panda already :D
haha and ishhhhh they want me to write a review about them.
must melebihi 100 words somemore
1st panda was taken by CheeHsien

this guy, he's amazingly friendly! and loves photography as much as I do (I think so lah) He snaps almost anything where ever he goes. (mampus another i dont know how many more words to go) Check out the photos he took at his blog. and they're all really good! This guy drives a black savvy and stays up until 4 in the morning. SMS him and he'll SMS u back. talk to him, and he'll make you laugh [: Oh yeah if you play O2jam, challenge him he'll beat you flatttttt!

she's the first girl who managed to get a pink panda. so cute ok? I mean she's so cute. Such a lovely and friendly person, super bubbly..
I don't really know much about her yet but I know she's a great girl with a personality that's as sweet as ever!
minny : angeline. come camwhore
angeline : COME COME COME!
oh yeah, she plays 02jam too!! weeee
and maple! hahaha
omg what's up with bloggers these days. apa pun ada.
and the girl who got the 2nd panda was ADELENE

adelene hahaha omg :D
i HAVE to edit this photo lol. Always go cow hunting..
Picit picit. lol That's what benjipapa always say
adelene is really funny and I got to know that we share a lot of things in common.. (:
but never managed to hang out with her just yet. She's cute and funny.. and she goes to the gym! omg. I go to the gym too, but only in my dreams zzz.
another panda kidnapper !
ahahahaha congrats, minny ! :D
in d news tomoro..
Minny died of ShoutOut Overdue!!
Severe ShoutOut Addiction!!..
rofl! dare to picit! ahha
Congratulations on getting d 4th Pink Panda!
shoutout rocks! many many infinite times!
ops..sorwee..typo =x
Woohoo .. congratulations Minny.
Make sure the tatoo is still there when I see you ah .. else ...............
I'll bring my own marker pen, just in case!
Congratulations again!!!
congrats sweetie! heh. I Like that pic tho :) pretty girl!
Congrats wor...nice post. I see ladies dominate the ShoutOut liao... haha
Why my name is not in the link?? You delete ar?? haha :P
Ish ish..... I will be back in Penang to camwhore next time... you wait and see...
Wah! Me also want!LOL~
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