so I turned 20 on the 18th of October 2007.
thanks for the birthday wishes everyone!
especially to Cedric, Benjipapa (Alex), Emily (zhiap), Chee Hsien, Vingie, I Min, Evelyn, Willazz, Ralph, JJ, and Al for giving me a blast on Saturday.
Thanks to Wendy, JJ, Benji, Cedric, Vingie, Emily and the others for the gifts [:
mwah to you guys.
time flies; i felt like i've achieved nothing except great friends.
i feel a sudden change of attitude and perspective.
i can finally say, i'm no longer a teen
and im eligible for almost anything now.
couldnt meet up with the shouters gang cuz i had to be home by 6 for birthday dinner with my family [: so my sis, evelyn and me went to Sunway Carnival instead.
omggg tgif gives the best surprises ever haha!
eh you dont look fat la, you're gorgeous!! ;)
finally minny 20 liao..hhehe...
happy belated bday :)
AH!! So cute the decay thing~~ how you do?? I also want to decay myself~~ XD
walao... the 1st picture so yeng and yet so scary... swt
Happy bElated Bday babeh!!!
being 20 is not so bad lar.. ^^
happy belated birthday.
Minny. love the 1st pic.
i see ghost =D happy so belated birthday
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