it was badminton carnival between our church and other churches at Bukit Dumbar, Penang
(I hope I spelled it right anyway)
TOP came in first and us, FGA KULIM SLAPS THE HEAVENS OUT of other FGA zones! WE GOT 2ND. yayyy yiippiiie.

vanessa, rachel and yan-y [:
a few more others too but didn't take any photos;
nicole, yan-y, james, julian, justin, charis, sarah

i was asked to cut out her face ok.
then off to GP to meet with my ex class mate who just got back from UUM

we kept eating okay, from morning to night.
(shit, which reminds me i havent been to the gym for almost 2 weeks now)
off to prangin, then batu ferringhi night market
then crown jewel's beach.
it was nice to meet my old friend after a super long time.
"baby, seasons change but people don't"
what a happening life!
keep it up!
life is one big party when we are still young!
i didnt go..................
no more apart of FGA...
Sweet, dudette!
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