first, I'M GONNA HAVE LONG HAIR soon, BABIESSSSanyway went out with the shouters for my birthday celebration on saturday [:
had dinner at foodloft.
satkuru, al, jj, benjipapa, emily, cedric, imin, evelyn, ralph, willazz came.

benji, jj and myself

cedric and i [:
Ninjoe, Mahek, Guo Wei, Chee Hsien and Vingie came later on,
and we're off to UPR!
met quite a lot of people at Momoe [:
impossible to name all though!

infront of GLO

i love this photo of them both.

had such
i just love this photo of us. 
off to idontrememberwhat nasi kandar nearby [:
then off to Sunrise's McDonalds for breakfast
it was around 4 i think.

look at everyone's tired faces lol
all of them went home
except for Ninjoe, Guo Wei, Imin, Evelyn, Emily and myself
went to the beach; stargazed, played water and sand lol and took some pictures.

sunrise [:

went to 7-11 to get breakfast ; cupnoodles!

cup noodles by the street.
thanks everyone,
for such a great night!