day 2 in camerons!

checked into the hotel
went for a swimmmm [:
water was
freezing cold!
*brr*mom, dad, my sister and me played pool in the lobby before dinner :P
dad lost to mom! haha

world's coolest mom :D


this resort cost about
RM1500 per night
we didn't stay there, but we went for a tour :P

went to the night market in Brinchang.
soooo cold!
cute lil' baby carrots.

next morning, we went to a rose garden!

a type of cactus?

i love this.

look like a bunch of
blue bananas :D

:D what's a blogpost without a camwhore picture?

cute heh?
i like the last pic...
ur dad so cooperate wit u guys!!
my dad wun do tat even if i force him~~
Not dare to jump into the pool. Cold ler...
oh my..... l like all the photo u take nice..
minny, happy merdeka. Thanks for dropping by :D
I like the last photo too. You have a very sporting parents here. Like me. Kekeke. And is that your dad holding the cue like that... ROTFL. oopppsss... got carried away there. sorry.
ahh, merdeka holiday!! :D and yor cameron i long time no go liao haha the last time i go there is 2 years ago and we're really having a VACATION, really nothing to do one xcept going to farms and plantations haha... but enjoy lor :)
newayz nice pics!!
woo... nice photos.... of the scenery~~
the tentacles thingy` looks like shrek's ear dun u think? teee heee`
wow.. the plants sure are strange!! And it's the first time I see the tea plantations so upclose too - though it's only in pic..=)
btw, u've tagged. =)
wow, u took such nice pics with a T5.
Rose garden? Or was it cactus garden??? Anyway, i can't remember when was the last time I went cameron. hmmm
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